Wednesday 31 October 2012

Joblogs- My journal entries in a time of trouble

Hubby and I post surgery at a Mall
Today is a year since I had surgery for breast cancer, and I have been reflecting on this past year. So much has happened, but what is more remarkable to me is that my family and myself look back now with fond memories.

It was a time of pulling together in prayer, in kind, in encouragement and every manner of support you can imagine. I owe a debt of gratitude to all my friends and family who have allowed God to use them in this way. God literally answered all your prayers!

I really beleive that God has allowed me to go through all these challenges for the prime purpose of displaying His glory. I got with His programe in a big way soon after the news of the diagnosis broke. I was scared , yes i was. I thought perhaps my time was up. I thought all those things, and looked heavenward and asked my maker why? After spending a little time asking those questions, and allowing myself 24hours to freak out, i took on 'battle mode'.

My battle strategy was to send messages to all the prayer groups I belonged to, for them to get on my case. Then I came into a self imposed mindset of choosing to worship God and being grateful as a default. I reminded myself of three points, and just focused on those three points, making them into constant affirmations at all times.  My thinking was that whatever the outcomes of this new challenge, I would stand on these truths, and believe them to be immutable. Whether I lived one more day or 10 or 50 more years, whether I came through the surgery alive or not, the same three declarations would be my portion.

1. I am whole in Christ Jesus

2. I am loved by God with an everlasting love that spans from eternity to eternity

3. Nothing can prevail against me as long as I am standing in the Lord.

To commemorate one year of victory, I am sharing the blogs I wrote during that time because I think this is the best way of giving an insight into that time, and into how God has really glorified himself again.

I titled them 'Joblogs' because I wrote them while I was in Johannesburg, South Africa for my medical consultations and treatment. My prayer is that you will encounter the unquantifiable power of God's love through these pieces of writing.

JOBLOG 3-Defiance
I've bought two pairs of shoes
A pair of slacks and painted my toe nails
I painted my toe nails
I painted them bright red
A blood of Jesus, bright red
In defiance of the enemy's latest plans
No! I mean no! I reject this outright
For the Lord has given me a full life span
Blood of Jesus, red toe nail day
Yes, red toe nails day!
23 Oct 2011

JOBLOG 4-Opposite speak
I know that the experts will have their report, their prognosis and whatever.
However it is the Lord's report that we shall believe.
The Lord says of me, Lara
-The blood of Jesus in whom I am redeemed, speaks greater things
-He shall perfect that which concerns me
-Greater is he that is in me than he who is against me
-I am more than a conqueror
-He will satisfy me with a full life span
-He satisfies my desires with good things so my youth is renewed like the eagles
-No weapon fashioned against me shall prosper
-He is my God, my times are in His hands
-Nothing shall prevail against me, for I stand in Him
-Eternity is not big enough to contain the love He has towards me

 24 Oct 2011

.......And a bit of frivolity
One of the fun things my daughter did for me after the surgery was to flat iron my natural Afro hair. I was pleasantly surprised at how long my hair had grown and my hubby took many lovely photographs which we call my 'victory photo-shoot'
Victory Photoshoot-Post surgery

JOBLOG 5- Confusion
My heart leaps for joy at the evidence of His love for me, poured out so beautifully through each one who is praying for and encouraging me. I give him glory and unbounded praise. Now anyone who knows the awesomeness of His grace boogie on down with me this morning. Oya! Start steppin....mehn! I don't think anyone can match my steps. This is a dance of victory!!! Oh YESSS
I looked at the biopsy report's diagrams
And I thought
This looks so much like one of those photos
From outer space
The lay of the land of some rare planet
The alien matter that has dared to enter my body
This temple of the Most High
I banish you outright with everlasting cancellation and removal from my body
In Jesus name!
I rejoice today in victory over this liar
For the Lord has preserved my physical vessel
I have much still to do in my spirit man
So, my earth suit just needs repair.


The body language of Victory!
We shall not waste a shred of emotional capital in fear, worry or dread.
Instead we shall invest every minuscule bit of concern in the Lord's throne room.
He is in the business of the miraculous intervention, the exchange of beauty for ashes, the oil of gladness instead of a spirit of despair.
So, we shall invest in the kind of capital that is 100% certain to yield a bountiful return.
-Unbounded joy in the lord
-high praise
For Our Father God is mighty to save
Leap for joy
Rejoice with me!
For He has given me a new name!
Omolara Miracle
 26 Oct 2011
JOBLOG 7-Worship

Most high God, in you I am whole and I worship you this morning with exalted praise! I know what purpose you have laid in my spirit for my life and I am sure there is even more that will yet unfold. All we are seeking is for your glory, that Omolara Miracle's physical vessel is repaired and restored, for I need it to carry my spirit man. My spirit man cries out to you Lord, its desire and passion came from you. Glorify yourself then Lord! That all will know that there is no God like Jehova, ishout for joy! Awesome, loving, merciful Lord, my Abba father in whom there is no shifting like shadows. Halleluyah!!!
Omolara Miracle
Joburg    27 Oct 2011

JOBLOG 8 - Declarations of belief
All things are possible to those who believe. What that means to me, is that there is literally no limit to what I can do. This is one of the characteristics of God himself. He has given us a part of his nature. This I know for a fact because he said I am made in His image, and he has deposited the Holy Spirit in me. Being made in the image of my heavenly father means I have his spiritual DNA. Now that I have been diagnosed with another health challenge, I find myself reminded of some of the truths I discovered during my last one.
That is, that the Lord will glorify himself in an ailing body, because who He is transcends the physical.
As my body battles now with breast cancer, I am ever more aware that His glory is getting greater and greater in me.
I can say this because I believe.
I believe God so much that I am connected to myself  on many levels.
My self awareness is in the spheres of spiritual, emotional and psychological intelligence.
I believe that God speaks greater things in them than my physical body.
My spirit man is actually the true part of who I am because I believe this is the part of me that has the potential to attain 'all things' in a limitless fashion.
The same way my creator is limitless, so the deposit of himself in me is limitless.
So, every time I reach a brick wall or challenge, I can walk through it because I know the true substance of who I am is NOT this bag of bones and muscle and nerves and vital organs.

For so long now, as far back as I can remember, I have had challenges with this physical vessel. These challenges have constantly battled to trick me into taking note of them over and above the true content of who I am: the King's Kid.
I know that I have emerged a victorious warrior and I always win because I believe.
I believe that God is using me to show who He is and to show case His awesome resplendent glory, for there really is no reason for me to have survived childhood.
I did not know that my childhood challenges were a negligible part of what I was to face, but the Lord himself trains me for the battles at every stage.
So, here I am in joburg, getting an enforced boob job. I realise now more than ever that; I have been raised to be an advocate for belief.
I realise that whatever I believe is what is true for me, and this shapes what God can achieve in and through me.
I believe my God almighty has empowered me to do exceedingly abundantly more than I can imagine
I believe my God almighty sees me as beautiful, even with one boob
I believe my God almighty sees me as fruitful
I believe the lord sees me as a mighty warrior, powerful, strong and full of valor
I just believe I am able to do exponentially more because of my challenges.
I believe God,
And all the things he has said and written about me.
I believe in His love, unbounded and infinite.
I believe in Him I am whole.
I simply BELIEVE
And herein is my source of joy!

Omolara Miracle
29 Oct 2011

JOBLOG 9-Praise


I came to joburg on a mission

When the Jacrandas were in full bloom

Striking purple tree tops visible everywhere you looked

No place you cast your eyes that you didn't see them

Their richness of colour

Their abundance

Their beauty

I came to joburg on a mission

I saw the fallen jacarandas

Like a beautiful carpet strewn on the ground.

So beautiful, so delicate, a work of art

Floor covering for angel's feet to tread

I came to Joburg on a mission

I saw my pain and fear vanquished

I felt so warmly the love of God

Sent to me through so many people

In prayer, in thought, in words, in deeds

The love of God was everywhere

It was within me and without

It was in the hearts of people

Who needed not speak words

It was in my  heart of hearts

Accomplished mission

Though a physical part of me was lost

My spirit and psyche were never bigger, or stronger

Because the jacarandas were everywhere

Resplendent, and beautiful

And for angel's feet to tread

Post surgery
On my way home from the hospital
02 Nov 2011

My young people joined others to pray!

 These are excerpts from prayers that were posted by our children into an online group that were praying fervently for me through every step.

Thank You Lord for Mum's life. All her life, you have paid specific attention to her, and performed miracles in her life. You have used her to defy man's so called science and to glorify Your name. You have stretched your arm and brought her back from the far places our faith was at times too weak to go, and you have shown us that You are capable beyond our imagining. We pray Dear Lord that you will strike again in this situation in the way that we know you to have done so efficiently before. We ask you for full and total restoration for mum; for healing; for strength; for courage; for calm; for effervescent joy. Amen

We stand firm on your word O Lord. We stand firm on your word because you are not a man that you should lie, your word is full of promises for us. That they that hope in you will renew their strength, that you will lift them up on eagles wings. Lord, lift mum up on eagles wings and restore her to wholeness in every regard . You have also said in Isaiah 43 that when we pass through the fire, we will not be burned. May it come to pass for us as it did for Shadrak, Meshak and Abednigo in Jesus mighty name. We cast out fear, doubt, and worry and say they have no place for us. Indeed, we are already clothed in our fire proof clothing which is praise and prayer. Thy name be exalted forever and ever. Amen
Father Lord in the mighty name of Jesus we just commit Omolara Miracle Cookey into your hands today. We are amidst circumstances we know you can clear without even batting a Holy eyelid, for you are the eternal God, who is capable of anything. We lift her up before your throne of grace this morning and pray for absolute and total restoration of her soul, her psyche and her body. I do not believe anyone should have to fight for life. But you said your ways aren't mine. So Lord I am praying that you fight on Mummy's behalf, so she can be at ease. I pray Lord that you clear any sign of any disease in her entire body, and that you restore her such that it will be as if she has returned to youth. I am fed up of my mother having to suffer- she is your faithful servant. Indeed, blessed are the transgressed, so she is blessed in that she stays faithful to you and follows your commands. But Lord, this righteous anger inside me is spurring me to scream and demand the health and restoration our Mum deserves. We have all been saying it, she is a miracle. Lord, prove us right again! Continue to work your wonders in Omolara, such that the whole world will look on and know that there is a God! Glorify yourself this year. Because EVERYONE is praying for the same thing- show us that you care for us. You said that where 2 or 3 are gathered, there you are in their midst. We have all gathered virtually, and as far as I know this should count. So Lord, shake body. Bust a move. DO something. Restore Omolara to wholeness. This we humbly ask of you in the name of your son Jesus Christ. 
JOBLOG 10 -Renewal

It was only befitting that after this recent challenge and several victories in Christ Jesus, that I should give a shout out to the whole universe with my Romans 12:2 hair as well!
So, my daughter blow dried and flat ironed my hair for another one of several 'victory' photo shoots-the ultimate photo shoot  by one ace photographer; my hubby. We were all so excited and enjoyed the process! My sister and brother- in- law's beautiful side garden became the backdrop of our photo shoot.
With every strand of my Romans 12:2 hair, I praise our Lord God Almighty! I am indeed a victorious woman in Christ, for I am once again walking in the physical reality of my inward confessions.

Omolara Miracle 
16 Nov 2011

The photographer allowed himself to be photographed too!

JOBLOG 12-Rejoicing

As I step out and dance
There is more in my footsteps than a beat
There is more in the beat than music
More than what is seen
The unseen runs freely
Flows like the river which makes glad the city of God
God is within the
Habitation of my mind and spirit
Without that, I could not stand
My life would have been a thing of pity!
But no! Mercy said NO!
At the end of this joburg mission
These are my conclusions
That my God is Almighty
The God of all Grace
The Lord of my Completeness
Has been faithful in the natural
He has worked profoundly in the supernatural
Humbled, grateful and elated beyond measure
I am still, I bow, I worship

28 Nov 2011


Thank You all !
 Thank you all so much! From my close friends to those that were praying for me that I didn't know personally, some of whom I may never meet.
This victory is not just for my family and me, but for you all also.
God bless everyone of you richly!

Saturday 20 October 2012

Crazy Shoes

My grandmother used to make a full English breakfast over an open metal grill powered by wood logs. The grid left attractive sear marks on the sausages, bacon and toast. (These current celebrity chefs are not a patch on my Granny!)  Her Naija soups were made in black earthenware pots. Whatever she made, had the unique and tantalising aromas from the burning wood impressed upon it. I have never since then tasted grilled bacon, sausages, or toast that have the unique dimensions of flavour that came from my Grandma's kitchen. Neither have any Naija soups tasted like hers, which always had a rich, rounded taste and aroma, without any stock cubes added. Ingredients that needed blending were ground on a traditional grinding stone which consisted of a large oval slab of granite and a smaller oblong piece, just the right size for grasping with a pair of hands aligned side by side. I am convinced this method of blending, pre-mingled the ingredients before they ever came together in the pot, and contributed to stock cube free richness.

Another culinary accessory that I remember was a large brown earthenware pot with a lid that was kept in one corner of her bedroom, in which drinking water was stored. It always tasted cool, and somehow never took on the room's warmer ambient temperature.
I was totally enthralled by her stories of how she traded in bolts of fabric between Akure and Benin City, and how her journeys were made on foot, usually in the company of other women traders. She told me that it took a long time, and how she packed food and basic cooking utensils, and how meals were made en route. They lit fires to sleep next to in the forest, whenever their journeys demanded they took a break at night. Apparently, there were no roads as such, and many routes were footpaths. To my surprise, she said it was common to walk these vast distances barefoot. You might be wondering why I've started up with tales of my Grand mamma. Well, I just remembered her when I came across various articles talking about the benefits of running and walking bare feet. Grandma  didn't make any high faluting statements about it, it was just the natural thing to do then.
This made me search for images of bare foot running shoes, and oh my word, the most weird and wonderful images came up.

I went on further to search for 'crazy shoes' and I was blown away by the results. I just had to share them.
Feast your eyes on crazy shoes and let your imagination run riot if you dare!

This pair here that looks like a lady's manicured feet with painted toenails are just bizarre, I find them both abhorrent and delightful.

You don't need to worry about being slipped up on an unseen banana peel, either by accident or by the malicious intent of your unseen enemies, you can make your own slithery steps in these

Those with more than a passing interest in food will be pleased with this lot. They can be used as part of a new dieting strategy. You wear your food on your feet all the time, and get your brain and psyche used to seeing food that you cant eat. Thereby allowing yourself to salivate, but curbing all desire to eat by satisfying yourself with just another look at your feet!
Mind you, I can see quite a few veggies in these sandwich flip flops, so I hereby declare them to be healthy.

 I guess you could also claim to be from Bolognia, and wear these as your own take on 'national attire' to the next diplomatic gathering. You might just start off another world war because Italy might take offense. Unless of course you are Italian, then you would either be thought of as just having poor taste in shoes, or acclaimed as the latest hotshot in unique design thought

The best way to campaign against the wanton consumption of red meat which has been blamed for a long list of health problems, is to wear these. I am wondering if they come with an appropriate smell as well. In which case, the campaign will be very short lived especially in a neighbourhood with many stray dogs. Then again, I would advise against wading into shark infested waters. The smell may also attract flies which would add another dimension to this design, rather like sequined or diamante embelishments

I think I would just write off a lady wearing these as 'a wet fish', I would try my level best to get her to take the 'scales from her eyes.' Nothing like a pair of sardines or barracuda on your feet to skew your perspective on life.

This is the definitive answer to the problems of the 'vertically challenged', In my language (Yoruba) these would be called
Onile gogoro- which literally means tall building or sky scraper. You might well start swaying and resemble the leaning tower of Piza. I would take out an insurance policy before mounting these!

Never get your feet stuck in that annoying bubble gum , ever again. I imagine there is a built in chewing gum sensor rather like the repulsion between like poles. I wager that it is the best way out of a sticky situation, since you would be wearing one of your very own.

While we are on the subject of bubble gum and stretchy things, you can catapult yourself into the limelight wearing this sturdy pair of slippers.

No one will ever be able to cheat you at the check out counter with this self service maths calculator, gadget-shoe-like thingy. if you jump up and down you can make your own music as well which makes this a two for the price of one, value for money item.

Either you will offend dog lovers who will cross the street when they see you coming, or dogs themselves will. This will certainly set some dogs off barking wildly, and whimpering alternately, as they become confused as to what is going on. Take care to watch out for aggression from the smarter dogs.These should be worn by a dog psychologist as a way of increasing demand for their services, and oh i forgot to mention that you will feel extra stable on eight instead of two legs.

No one can accuse you of being a heel.

Eh? What coral reef? Oh these things on my feet are my own personal cluster of temples. One or two of them have genies living in them and I can call on them at any time. The others whistle all by themselves especially when I am running in the wind. I don't stay in one place long enough for barnacles to attach themselves, these things here are more temples at an earlier growth stage.