Saturday, 17 December 2016

Power packed nugget for successful life Mathew 7:7-8

This is a power packed nugget for successful life 

Matthew 7:7-8 | NIV

7 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 

8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened

Mathew 7:7-8 is a self actualization statement that applies to every challenge I may ever face in life, or any desire I may have to improve or change status. Let's break it down.


This requires articulating what I want


This is the act of looking out for what you have identified and asked for 


Having found and identified what i want , I am now prepared, so when I  Knock on the door of opportunity, it will be opened.

The summary of this is tied up in the well known maxim 'Nothing ventured, nothing gained' 

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Tough love - James 1:12

James 1:12 | NIV

12 Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.

In our human interactions, particularly as parents, we recognise the need to give 'tough love.' This kind of love as stated here in this scripture shows us that the template of  'tough love' comes from heaven. 

I learn from this word in the book of James that perseverance under trial is an act of love towards God. The concept of showing love to mankind through perseverance has been shown by God himself . This is clearly demonstrated in how Jesus persevered under all manner of torture, excruciatingly painful scourging and endured crucifixion because 'God so LOVED the world ' 

The love that God showed mankind, was also a means by which Jesus, through obedience, showed love to His father by enduring the cross. Therefore as believers we must follow in Jesus 's  footsteps and embrace obedience as a vital element in our showing love towards God.

Jesus obeyed his father in spite of the great pain he bore in his physical body and as well the emotional and psychological trauma of torture. On our part, we are to obey whatever aspects of the directives given to us, under grace, brought to us through Jesus's suffering. 

In every day practical terms, this means that as much as we seek God's face to lift our trials off us, we must also seek 'grace to endure'. Grace to endure is the bedrock of hope which keeps us focused upward towards heaven. This is a high yield investment which multiplies our faith. So we see here the beauty of God's work in us, taking us through our challenges, to giving and knowing the love of God and ending up with ' a crown of life.' 

A prayer: 

Because I love you Lord, may I receive grace to endure in abundant measure as I pass through the vicissitudes of life, and receive the blessing of the 'crown of life' which has been promised to those who persevere. Help me to shift my focus ever upwards to follow and embrace fully, what you would have me withstand. May I be teachable through every manner of difficulty, so that grace may abound richly in me.


Friday, 29 July 2016

Gratitude- Just praising you in the utmost height

Lord I am so grateful
For one more time of confirmation of healing
You are marvellous Lord 
And my heart leaps for joy
Could I ever thank you enough
Or show the heights of my praise ?
For you are faithful 
And I count you reliable
I say it again and again
Your miracles are as endless
As your love is great
Awesome, wonderful, majestic and powerful
You show yourself mighty and incredible 
I am singing, and dancing, and bowing low
Just worshipping you
Just praising you in the utmost height