Sunday, 27 August 2017

Manifested Power

Coming in to land in Tuscany
Stunningly beautiful terrain
In natural hues 
Of olive, earthy brown and dusky grey
Brought me joy that sprang up songs
Because of the evidence 
Of God's creative power
Put on display for me
Then I got to thinking
When I sing the chorus
Come down o Lord
And manifest your power
It seems to me that I am asking for something he has already done 
Should I not sing 
Thank you o Lord for your manifested power?
Our triune God manifests himself 
In more ways than we can imagine
It was all around me to see
In magnificent clumpy clouds
In the topography of the mountains
I came to an acknowledgement 
That even the breath of life 
Passing in and out of my nostrils
Is the manifested power of God
This, the most sophisticated 
Complex, operating system in the world
The human body, is a complete marvel
And for sure a sign 
Of God's manifested power
It is an interconnected, Interdependent plumbing, electrical and sensory circuit
Capable of amazing complexities
How the body works
Is mind blowing at the very least 
So, I am changing my song
I am changing my tune
Thank you o Lord
For your manifested power

Lara Cookey
Landing in Florence
16 August 2017

Sunday, 6 August 2017

All of Creation is waiting for you

I was profoundly affected by a scripture I read yesterday because of a deep realization and understanding of its meaning. I found myself crying as I realized why I did not die from two deadly diseases. Oh my Father God!πŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ™ŒπŸΎ
 Glory and honour to you as I bow. I realized that this is a mandate to go all out with no holds barred to be what ALL of creation is WAITING in eager EXPECTATION to be revealed in me. 
Here is the scripture:-
I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. 

For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. 

Romans 8:18c-19 | NIV

I also understand why a song by @nkmaduforo, beautifully rendered by her at church stirred my heart as I listened to the lyrics and watched the awesome  interpretations in modern dance that was going on as Nk sang. 

To anyone reading this. 
The world is waiting eagerly for you to be revealed. I pray that you get a clear revelation of who and what that you is, that is yet to be unveiled. May you have a sense of fulfillment as you do your purpose walk entering into new levels of expression, and enter into a place of joy and contentment. 
Amen πŸ™πŸΎ