When did it ever matter what I think and feel and am?
When will I move my recognition in line with what matters
I came to a place of knowing the revelations of many lies
And the new light stung my eyes like shards of glass
It gave me wisdom of my years and eyes that spoke volumes
Eyes that knew much, had heard much and had seen much
Babbling created white noise that drowned the central truth
Totally masking its importance and diminishing its potency
The white noise is for a time when filters have not yet been
They are the ones for later, advanced models, not yet, not now
It is a smoke screen and a tying down of reasons
Shackled to the ordinary, the explainable
Diminishing the magical, the miraculous
The heavy weight of age old wisdom comes to a new realisation
That what I thought I knew, I do not
And what I thought was certain, is not
Certainty is vain and illusory
She is what we hang on to for comfort
When we need to take courage and step on out
Step on out?
I like that, yes, I like that I should step on out
Now that is wisdom