Saturday, 7 February 2015

Prayers for our children

Hello there!
These Prayers were inspired by and guided by the reference scriptures quoted here. I have used them again and again and I am sharing them for other parents to use. You may use them to pray for any young people in your life, or for any one for that matter. Praying God's word means the answer is YES! Because His word is His will. 
So Hubby and I pray these with a peaceful calm that our Heavenly Father has heard and will fulfil His word. May you enjoy the knowledge that He has heard you and He will answer YES as well. 
Just substitute name(s) where the blanks are to personalise the prayers.
Enjoy His peace!

Ref: Psalm 119:9-16

Dear Lord, in the name of Jesus, i commit ----------into your hands to stay on the path of purity and live according to your word. 
-------seeks you with all their hearts and follows you so closely, that he/she do not stray from your commands. 
-----------has  hidden your word in their heart that they might not sin against you.
I declare that ---------gives Praise  to you, Lord, because you teach him/ her your decrees.
By the power of the Holy Spirit, may they with their lips recount all the laws that come from the mouth of God.
--------------rejoices in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches. 
--------meditates on your precepts and consider your ways, and they also delight in your decrees.


Ref:Mark 3:27 , Psalm 119: 59-64

Lord ,we read from your word that in fact, no one can enter a strong man's house and carry off his possessions unless he first ties up the strong man. Then he can rob his house. 

According to this word, we banish and rebuke every stronghold in the life of --------
That they shall engage with your word and keep it in their consciousness at all times. 
That your word, sharper than any double edged sword shall be strong within them. 
The word of truth shall well up like a mighty warrior, and stand firm within --------
 -------- is released from all principalities, powers,spirit of lack, ancestral ties , and from every negative genetic lineage that is in them.
-------- is released from any bonds they may have made themselves through sexual encounters or any other means. 
I cancel and negate every plan of the enemy concerning any attack whatsoever, be it in their physical bodies, psyche, spirit, mind and soul.
That the peace of God which surpasses all understanding shall be the portion of --------
Lord God Almighty, renew the joy of salvation in --------, give them a fresh zeal, a hunger and passion for your word. 
Reveal yourself to --------so clearly that they gain the freedom to choose what is right. 
Give -------- a clear revelation of who they are in Christ Jesus, such that when they are presented with counterfeit spiritualities, they will recognise them and flee. 
May --------consider your ways and turn their steps to your statutes. 
I declare that they hasten and do not delay to obey your commands.
Concerning -------- friendships, Lord, God , Our Father, we affirm according to your word that they are friends to all who fear you,to all who follow your precepts.

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