I just got back from spending some ten days in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and went up to the top of the Canadian Rockies via a cable car which they call 'Gondolas'. I asked my host about this peculiar naming of an aerial vehicle, and the name being the same as the famous Gondolas which ply the canal system in Venice, but he was unable to explain how this came about. It would be so cliche for me to launch into the peculiarities of North American phraseology as compared to that of the United Kingdom. I won't. Free me!

There is something about natural beauty that inspires praise. I was awe struck by the scale of the mountains and how they looked like a giant helping of icing sugar had been sieved over their tops. The striations in the rocky sides, the gorges, trickling streams , vegetation and the sheer vastness had a profound impact on me. I am quite sure it was the natural environment and not any bit indigestion after my onslaught of the buffet brunch we had prior to the mountain top trip. Myself and my colleagues have observed how we have all got a tad more rotund, and we have made promises to each other to do our best to reverse this when we get back to our respective bases. Hmmmm!

I breathed in the cold, crisp air and looked across to opposite mountains as well as into the valleys and ravines and all I can say is that I saw God everywhere. I felt a strong imprint that this was a minuscule, physically accessible expression of his power. I stood there and just gave him praise, and tears of joy sprang to my eyes. When we had reached close to the bottom of the mountain in our return journey by car, we spotted an Elk, obviously an old papa one judging by the size of it's antlers. He just stood there at the edge of the road in the bushes staring at us, as though urging us to take our photos then vamous so that he could carry on with his life. He was such a beauty. We speculated as to whether or not he was about to cross the road to drink at a nearby stream. Maybe that was correct, maybe it was just our fantasy, but that is what nature can do to you. Put you in an inspirational plane.
So, I am sharing my offering of praise which came to me on the mountain top at Banff below.
Enjoy the pictures too, though I fear they do not do justice to the experience.
Majestic you are, our God
You speak through the beauty of your creation
The snow capped mountains, the trickling stream
The mighty roaring ocean and flowing rivers
How awesome you are
How profound and inspiring
My heart bursts into song
And I praise you with all my being
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