Saturday, 2 November 2013

Succession planning

Succession planning

The bible has several examples of how God himself had already worked out a succession plan for many key players in the script of His play. The successors came in different shapes and sizes, and some were even reluctant to take up their posts. Many times, they did not know that God was putting them through a sort of job shadowing/ internship training prior to their call up to service. Those experiences would have come across to the trainees as simply their life's experience, and some of these experiences were not pleasant at all.
However, our Lord, God, the Master planner, knows exactly what He is doing when He allows us to pass through our life's challenges and triumphs. He orchestrates the connections we have with various people.
I wonder if my successor that God has planned is right there in my orbit of life, but I have not recognised them yet. They may not present themselves yet as such. Their season has not yet come.

Joshua's season of leadership came after Moses died, and he had spent quite some time under Moses's leadership prior to this. Together with Caleb, his contemporary , they brought the minority report when the spies went to spy the promised land . Caleb was not given the leadership assignment though he also was a likely candidate. What skill sets, attitudes or character quality did Joshua have over and above all the likely choices in his generation? 

The upshot of what I have observed is that God is totally in charge.
He decides the who, the what, the where ,the when and the how, but I must take responsibility for my part. Is that a credible answer to the question 'are leaders born or made?'
What do you think?

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