Sunday, 7 September 2014

10 steps to God centred living

Philippians 1:6 
Philippians 4:8 
Philippians 4:13 
Romans 12:2 

Above are some scriptures that I studied and drew some ideas and important directions from. I ended up with a ten point list 

Furthermore I believe they speak to the truth about who we can be in Christ Jesus. Essentially that we are blue printed for flight, and not earth bound to 'circumstances' and how we can use inherent tools to work out our purpose. We are each unique; with peculiar characteristics that align with what we are here on earth to be and do.

And here is the ten point power list

1. Godly Potential: Ability to access what you need to move forward.
2. Mind of Christ
3. Power of the holy spirit.
4.Strengths and talents that need to be appropriately applied e.g
4.1 Lateral thinking
4.2 Creativity
4.3 Analytical and Critical thinking
4.4 Self awareness
5. Application of results of analysis ie Action oriented
6. Promptness and timeliness in taking action
7. Risk taking
8. Trancendence, ie appreciation of beauty, expression of gratitude, ability of hope, capacity for joy.
9. Faith- KNOWING that the battle is the Lord's and the outcome is always WINNING. Trusting God to do his part while you do yours
10. (PPL) Patience, Perseverance, and Long suffering aka 'grace to endure'

This list is not exhaustive, do you have any further ideas that you would like to share?
May the power of His word be revealed to you in Jesus name.

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