Friday, 14 April 2017

Good Friday thoughts on Psalm 139: 16b

Yesterday, I was reporting to a dear sister that all my medical check ups came out clear. I am in to my sixth year of breast cancer survival and the all clear report was very welcome indeed. As much as I have faith that God will uphold the miraculous healings I have received, my human mind still needs this physical confirmation. It is actually what I expect but there is always a tiny thought in the back ground saying ' what if'

She shared with me, her complete and total acceptance of what God says to her in Psalm 139 verse 16b. It is a scripture I am familiar with but her mentioning it like she did, made it come alive again. So I penned this bit of prose below in my journal today, as I reflected on the scripture. 

You ordained my days Lord
You know me 
You made me
Fearfully and wonderfully 
Even before my days came to be
You called me by name
I am so grateful that
I know who I am 
And I know 
To whom I belong 

This Good Friday, I am led to think deeply about the importance of the cross and what Jesus did for mankind, and how Jesus as God man , knows who we are.
Jesus knew who I was even as He hung on the cross. 

In my life's journey, I have been on a path of discovery, and life's experiences are helping me uncover the beauty and wonder of how God created me. This journey is also walking me in purpose.

Trials have come, huge seemingly insurmountable challenges and I have been anguished and wondered how a loving God would allow these difficulties in my life. The truth is this, that every single experience good or bad, pleasant or unpleasant is a crucial part of our 'moulding' , our 'becoming' and our 'living out the days ordained for us'
In Christ Jesus, we are ' becoming' more like Him and therefore aligning with our 'making' which was truncated by Adam.
And so we must embrace all that the Lord will allow in our lives, so that we 'attain to the measure of the stature of the Lord'
This is the least we can do in order to honour what Christ did on Good Friday thousands of years ago. What He did to restore us to His intention when He made us in His image.

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