Sunday, 30 April 2017

The last girl standing- By Guest blogger NK Maduforo

My eyes were closed and opened suddenly as some
men burst into the room. The smirk look on their faces
told it all…I was a goner. One of them laughed
wickedly and told me that I was done for. I had always
gone scot free but as he said those words, it
confirmed my worst fears; these men were not going to
let me go.
I quickly grabbed some clothes to cover myself
and urged him to do the same. Even though we were
certainly going down, we could at least look decent.
To my uttermost surprise, they grabbed me, left him
and pushed me outside as I screamed at the top of my
voice, "but we are in this together". No one listened
to me so I kept quiet. I had always known that this
could happen but I guess like they say 'stolen water
is sweet'. Now I would pay the ultimate price.
As we walked along, I listened to their
conversation and heard one of the men say, "this would
certainly trap him". I did not understand the phrase
and as I looked up, one of them spat on me and called
me names.
They finally brought me before the one I assumed
was the judge and pushed me forward. I pulled my
clothes tighter around me and as i looked at him, my
mouth dropped open because I had seen him before. I
had even listened to him before. Though I knew I was
guilty, I felt ashamed standing before him. This was
most certainly the end for me.
One of the men said to him, "Teacher, this woman
was caught in adultery, in the very act. I looked down
at my toes; I knew what was coming next.
He continued. "Now Moses, in the law commanded us
that such should be stoned. But what do you say?
I braced myself for the condemnation I deserved
and looked up at him again but Jesus stooped down and
wrote on the ground with His finger, as though he did
not hear.
When they continued asking Him, he raised Himself
up and said to them,"He who is without sin among you,
let him throw a stone at her first. And again, He
stooped down and wrote on the ground.
I braced myself again as He said that and waited
for the stones. These were the scribes and Pharisees
and certainly they were holy men. Without raising my
head, I glanced sideways as one by one, beginning with
the oldest even to the last, they went out.
I looked up to see Jesus standing alone. I looked
around and observed I was the last one standing.I
still felt like the condemned waiting for my sentence,
when Jesus raised himself up and saw no one but me. He
said to me, "Woman, where are those accusers of yours?
Has no one condemned you? I answered, "No one Lord".
Jesus said to me, Neither do I condemn you, go and sin
no more.
That was a long time ago now and I must tell you
that I followed him faithfully from that time. I was
there when He was crucified and saw Him after He
resurrected too. It's easy to say that He died for us
all but I know deep down in my heart that if I were
the only one in this world; if I were the last girl
standing, Jesus would still pay that ultimate price
for me.
Written by

Nkiruka 'NK' Maduforo

1 comment:

  1. Great story! #SecondChances. Go and sin no more! #Reset #FactoryDefault
